Monday, July 9, 2012

Here I go!

So this blog has been in the works for a long time—in my head. I would think of themes, posts and stories while driving, cooking, showering or just lazing around. This needed to be done. To get a blog started. And now I have done it. If you are reading this, be warned that my thoughts are random and often conflicting. But I love writing. It makes me happy and content. I get some of my writing genes from my mom's side of the family (from my dad's side I get food genes but that's a blog for another day). Thank you for reading this very first post. I hope to keep writing and keep you entertained, amused or confused!


  1. Ania welcome to the blogging world! This was much needed as you are depriving so many of us with your delightful readings! Please put up the TFT posts here as a separate link. Meanwhile, we will be on a look out from fresh posts from Calgary! Keep it up, and write away! Lots of love.

    1. Thanks!! yes am loving the writing though its effecting the night sleep

  2. Congrats!! Welcome to the world on online writing!

    1. Thanks christopher! the writing group has a big role to play in getting me going again!
